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Tuesday, July 30, 2013


We are done. As I type we are headed home in a rental car with fellow hiker Oz after summiting on July 29. We did the 100 mile wilderness in 4.5 days over just a few mountains and mostly flat terrain. It only rained once and it was easily some of the most beautiful trail we've seen. A few days before summiting the only mountain we could see was Katahdin as we meandered along ponds and forded rivers. We also hiked our longest day ever the day before we finished, 33.1 miles. 

Our 1st view of Katahdin

Katahdin early in the morning (up hiking at 5:30) 

The day before we summited my parents met us at Abol Bridge and had lunch with us. We then spent the night at the birches, the final shelter and dedicated for long distance hikers. The next day we met my parents and began the misty and slightly wet climb up Katahdin. It was completely in the clouds. Although at the time this was extremely disappointing the feeling of finality was still superior. After a long 3 hour climb (it was the most difficult climb and descent of the trail) we were finally done. We hiked up with Oz and Carjacker and met everyone else who summited up there: Lorax, Biscuits and Gravy, Sconnie, Chinstrap, and Patches. It was great to be done but it was difficult  for the finality to sink in, especially with a 5 mile climb down. 

After much rejoicing and pictures we finally began our descent and the sun miraculously came out and I took as many pictures as I could before we went below the sky. 

Before heading up the big K

The climb up pretty much sheer rock

Everyone who summited behind a big rock to keep out if the wind. 

Katahdin's tableland completely above the clouds. 

Before heading down the steep part of Katahdin. 

The sonic we're road tripping home in

And so our journey ends! The one thing we were totally surprised by on this journey was the generosity. Thanks to all my friends like Nathan and Alex, Sam, and everyone who mailed me encouraging letters. Big thanks to everyone who mailed us food: bob and addy, the reeds, and Bethany. Bigger thanks to our families who did both the above and are probably the biggest followers if the blog: mom, dad, uncle bob, aunt sherry, grandma and grandpa Colby, grandpa Latham (thanks for the gift at the end of the trip grandpa!), and everyone else. (Also thanks to all the Ewings, but I'll let Garfunkel take care of those thanks). And our biggest thanks to everyone who took 2 dirty, smelly, and ravenous hikers into their homes and fed us, let us get clean, and sleep on their clean furniture. Deb Crissinger, Wingmom, and the Taylors, you are trail angels.
Thank you to everyone!

If anyone has any questions about hiking or if you're a hiker I met on the trail and want to keep in touch ask for my email in the comments and I'll get it to you ASAP.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing and keeping us updated through your journey...I am sure the photos cannot do the amazing scenery justice ! But you two can say...We have been there and we have finally made our dream come true! BITTER SWEET to end the TRAIL.... come home safe !!!
