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Monday, April 29, 2013

Rolling through Virginia

Since we checked in last a few days ago we have traveled some 165 miles to Pearisburg Virginia. Along the way we have begun to appreciate just how gorgeous southern Virginia is. The ridges we hike come flanked with sprawling farm flecked valleys, the hills topped with shady oaks, and the towns with all you can eat restaurants. It's difficult to tell whether or not the beauty is due to the arrival of spring or the landscape itself. Spring is finally and definitely here; the hike into town today was an explosion of green leaves and pink and white blossoms.

We've quickened our pace lately as the mountains here are more tame. They're still a challenge to climb, but we spend more time along ridge lines and creeks than mindless ups and downs.

Big events include the mount Rogers area (think middle earth), Grayson highlands with its wild ponies, a shelter where you can order pizza, fresh ground's leap frog cafe, the self sustaining Woods Hole hostel/ farm replete with guinea fowl, and celebrating a German hiker's birthday.

Fresh grounds cafe deserves a bit of explanation. Fresh grounds did a large portion of the AT last but feels called to feed hikers this year. Armed with a large tarp, grill, small collie names dotti, and a thick North Carolina accent (Virginia is Vah-gin-yuh) fresh grounds feeds hiker massive amounts of bacon, eggs, potatoes, beans, hot dogs, fruit, soda, and coffee. He started in Georgia and stayed for a few days, then packed up and headed about 200 miles (it varies) north on the trail to do it again. He's made about 6 jumps so far and we've caught him on his last 2. Fresh grounds is an incredibly generous guy keeping us all motivated and fed. Also, he runs completely by donation, which is incredible given the spread he puts out. Below is a picture of maybe 10 hikers all chowing down at his camp a few days ago.

Also pictured are wild pony foals, me and the chocolate lab Amicooa at woods hole, a pony licking our friend tallboy's legs, Cinnamon and Garfunkel hiking on a bridge along a bike path the AT briefly follows, and Garfunkel creepin' behind a rock at fat mans squeeze.

Oh! I met Lady Grey today too. She's my tea counterpart on the trial. I've been hiking a few days behind her for a long time and every time either of us met anyone new they immediately asked if we'd met. Also, apparently my name makes people think I'm an old man, which is always funny when a new face looks in a shelter asking for Earl Grey is looking right at the retired guys.

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